Coming dia.lo.gue artspace Saturday, December 1st: sMart PASARSENI from 10am -10 pm art & design, collectable items, live music, food ! fun & an educational day for you, family & friends! and opening ART EXHIBITION: Personal Projects at 6pm opening address by Leonard Theosabrata Open for public: free~
SmArt Dialogue adalah sebuah kegiatan pasar seni di dia.lo.gue artspace yang digelar 2 kali setahun, yang merupakan wujud dari visi dan misi dia.lo.gue dalam menyediakan sebuah ruang untuk ber-dialog dan ber-interaksi bagi seniman maupun desainer dengan publik.
Tidak hanya sekedar kegiatan jual beli di pasar seni, SmArt dialogue ingin men-sosialisasikan seni menjadi bagian penting dari kehidupan keseharian kita. Tersedia berbagai macan produk-produk arts dan desain yang unik dan kreatif seperti produk aksesori rumah, furniture, fashion, barang koleksi, maupun karya seni itu sendiri.
SmArt dialogue menampilkan berbagai kegiatan bermanfaat bagi pengunjung nya, mulai dari workshop interaktif, demo dan pertunjukkan musik. Sebuah pameran seni kontemporer pun di gelar guna memeriahkan acara ini, yang akan diikuti oleh seniman-seniman muda berbakat dari Jakarta, Bandung dan Jogjakarta.
sMart dialogue is an art market and exhibition that is held by Dia.Lo.Gue artspace twice yearly, as part of Dia.Lo.Gue’s vision of providing an artspace that can support dialogue between artists and designers with the public. More than just a bazaar or sales event, sMart aims to socialize art and design as part of everyday life by posing as a channel for a variety of innovative and interesting products at affordable prices. These include art pieces and prints, fun collectible items, home accessory products, furniture and even fashion.
The sMart Dialogue will feature many activities, performances, demonstrations and discussions centering on art and design. The Past events that was included a Life Drawing demo, Life Sculpting, and book binding. Apart from the Art Market, an exhibition will be held featuring the work of young, contemporary artists in a variety of media.
sMart is a delightful and sMart way to spend your time and your family’s. Instead of hitting the mall, come and get your dose of creativity: participate in art talks, enjoy live music, and kick back in the company of awesome people.